
Urmia Articles

130 wildlife species in danger of extinction in Iran

  TEHRAN – There are 1,300 species of animals in the country, 130 of which are endangered and threatened, Hassan Akbari, deputy head of natural environment and biodiversity of the Department of Environment (DOE), has said. Asiatic cheetahs, great bustard, Siberian crane, Persian onager, and some reptiles and amphibians are among the endangered and threatened […]

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اشعاری از شهریار

  بهترین اشعار استاد سید محمد حسین بهجت تبریزی معروف به شهریار سیدمحمدحسین بهجت تبریزی شاعر معاصر ایرانی است که با نام شهریار معروف است. از استاد شهریارمجموعه غزلیات، اشعار زیبا به ترکی و منظومه حیدربابا به جای مانده است. شهریار در جوانی عاشق و دلبسته دختری زیبا رو به نام ثریا می شود که

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Potential benefits of incorporating Astragalus membranaceus

Astragalus membranaceus (AM) is a notable herb found among medicinal and food plants. Its benefits stem from bioactive compounds that improve function of the immune system, thus preventing and curing many diseases and improve wellness. However, despite of the many potential health benefits, it is mainly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Therefore, this review describes its biologically

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Health benefits of pomegranate juice فواید انار

Health benefits of pomegranate juice 1. Antioxidants Pomegranate seeds get their vibrant red hue from polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices. It also has three times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can help remove free radicals, protect cells from

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