Why side Effects Worse After the Second Shot? چرا عوارض جانبى واكسن كرونا در دفعات بيشتر ميشود

Why Are Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines’ Side Effects Worse After the Second Shot? به نام خداوند بخشاينده ترين مهربان ترين خدايا شكرت كه اين ٣٠ ساعت گذشت ديروز ٣١ دسامبر ٢٠٢١ دوز واكسن چهارم كرونا خود را زدم در ظرف ٦ ماه اخير اين واكسنها را زدم سينوفارم فايزر سينوفارم آنفلانزا فايزر حدس ميزدم كه

Why side Effects Worse After the Second Shot? چرا عوارض جانبى واكسن كرونا در دفعات بيشتر ميشود Read More »

How to figure out if your symptoms are the omicron variant, a cold or the flu چگونه اميكرون را از آنفلانزا تشخيص دهيم

How to figure out if your symptoms are the omicron variant, a cold or the flu راه تشخيص اوميكرون از آنفلانزا COVID shares symptoms with allergies and other illnesses and now the omicron variant is making things even more complicated when trying to figure out what you have. With the rise of omicron cases nationwide,

How to figure out if your symptoms are the omicron variant, a cold or the flu چگونه اميكرون را از آنفلانزا تشخيص دهيم Read More »

Potential benefits of incorporating Astragalus membranaceus

Astragalus membranaceus (AM) is a notable herb found among medicinal and food plants. Its benefits stem from bioactive compounds that improve function of the immune system, thus preventing and curing many diseases and improve wellness. However, despite of the many potential health benefits, it is mainly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Therefore, this review describes its biologically

Potential benefits of incorporating Astragalus membranaceus Read More »

Health benefits of pomegranate juice فواید انار

Health benefits of pomegranate juice 1. Antioxidants Pomegranate seeds get their vibrant red hue from polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices. It also has three times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can help remove free radicals, protect cells from

Health benefits of pomegranate juice فواید انار Read More »

World faces largest species extinction since dinosaur era, WWF warns

World faces largest species extinction since dinosaur era, WWF warns Around a million species might disappear within the next few decades, the conservation organization reports © Global Look Press / Michael Runkel The Earth is facing the biggest extinction event since the end of the dinosaur era, with a million species at risk of becoming

World faces largest species extinction since dinosaur era, WWF warns Read More »